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Rewards & Progress Plan

By Ishan Jindal
March 24, 2023

Within the "Rewards & Progress Plan" section, establish how participants will be compensated, with choices ranging from barter agreements to product refunds and fixed or variable fees. For conventional campaigns, set up milestones that segment the campaign into achievable tasks, each with its own deadline and payment plan, enhancing task management and workflow efficiency. Keep in mind, marketplace initiatives are structured with two inherent milestones, and affiliate programs forego milestone requirements entirely.

Payouts and Milestones for Influencer Marketing and Content Creation


  • Barter: Influencers are compensated with products or services as a trade for their involvement in the campaign. For instance, they might receive a new skincare product to test and share their review.

  • Product Refund: Influencers initially buy the product or service, then are reimbursed after contributing to the campaign. Importantly, they receive 50% of the refund upfront, with the balance given after the campaign's end. An example is purchasing a skincare product and getting refunded post-campaign.

  • Fixed Fee: A specific cash amount is set for each influencer's campaign participation. For example, influencers might be offered $200 plus an additional 18% GST for their involvement.

  • Flexible Fee: Influencers propose their own rates within a maximum budget you set. An example could be influencers bidding up to $300, inclusive of an 18% GST, for their services.

    Please note, you have to choose between providing a Barter/Product Refund or opting for a Fixed/Flexible Fee. The Fixed and Flexible Fee options include an additional 18% GST. These selections are mutually exclusive, but other choices may be combined if needed.


Milestones act as key progress markers throughout your campaign, segmenting tasks and payments into smaller, actionable segments. They provide a clear timeline for deliverable completion and facilitate incremental payouts.

To set a milestone:

  • Choose the "Add Milestone" option.

  • Enter a title for the milestone, establish its deadline, and determine the percentage of the total payment or a specific amount for campaigns with a Fixed Fee, ensuring the total of all milestones equals the full payout for each influencer.

In campaigns with Fixed or Flexible Fees, you can establish as many as six milestones, with each milestone representing no less than 15% of the overall compensation. Assign each campaign deliverable to a milestone to clarify the expected completion timeframe for influencers. You also have the flexibility to introduce custom milestones for intricate tasks, like content drafts requiring prior approval.

Example for Milestones:

Example for Structuring Milestones:

Consider a scenario where you're a cosmetics company debuting a new line of skincare essentials. Your campaign on Instagram includes creating two reels and three stories. Here's how you might arrange your milestones:



Time to Deliver

Payout Percentage

Milestone 1

Reels #1

3 Days


Milestone 2

Stories #1

5 Days


Milestone 3

Reels #2

7 Days


Milestone 4

Stories #2

10 Days


Milestone 5

Custom (e.g., Live Session)

12 Days


In this setup, influencers receive payment after fulfilling the requirements of each milestone, promoting efficiency and punctual delivery of content.

Additional Information: Deadlines for each influencer begin once you initiate each respective milestone, affording you the adaptability to synchronise the campaign's timeline with your strategic goals and the influencers' progress.

Note: Keep in mind, you can provide detailed instructions for each milestone at a later stage, and the timeline for each task will begin once you activate the milestone for your engaged influencers. This flexible setup gives you the liberty to customise the campaign's specifics and schedule to align with your strategic requirements and the pace of your partnership with the influencers.

Payouts and Milestones for Influencer Marketing and Content Creation:


Payment for Marketplace Review campaigns is conducted in the following manner:

  • Upon the approval of the second milestone (Product Review Screenshot Submission), the full payment earmarked for the influencer is authorised for release.

  • Approval Sequence: The second milestone will be considered for approval only after the first milestone (Product Purchase Screenshot Submission) has been approved, ensuring that the campaign steps are followed in order.

  • Cooling Period Consideration: Following the approval of the final milestone, there is a mandatory waiting period that corresponds with the product's standard return window. This is a safeguard to ensure that product returns can be processed, if necessary, before finalising the influencer's compensation.


For Marketplace Review campaigns, the process is streamlined to make things easier for brands. Two default milestones are automatically set up for influencers to follow:

  • Product Purchase Screenshot Submission

  • Product Review Screenshot Submission

These milestones are created to ensure that the influencer has successfully purchased the product and has provided a review, respectively. The brand does not need to set these milestones manually; they are pre-established and will be managed internally, allowing influencers to submit proof of completion.

Payouts and Milestones for Influencer Marketing and Content Creation:


The payment process for Affiliate Marketing campaigns is tied directly to the results driven by the influencer:

  • Commission-Based Payouts: Payments are released following a sale that is generated through the affiliate link provided to the influencer. This ensures that influencers are compensated in direct correlation to their performance.

  • Flat Rate or Percentage Commission: The amount paid out is contingent upon the type of commission structure chosen at the campaign's outset—either a flat rate for each sale or a percentage of the sale's value.


By eliminating the need for milestones, affiliate marketing campaigns offer a streamlined, results-oriented approach that rewards effective influencer promotions with a clear and direct compensation model.

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