For Brands

Invite Teams

By Wobb Tech Support
April 6, 2024

The team invitation feature on Wobb streamlines collaboration by integrating colleagues into your campaign management space.

Steps for Team Invitations on Wobb:

  • Initiate Collaboration: Kick off the team-building process to leverage collaborative management of your campaigns.

  • Input for Invites: Provide the email or phone number of your team members to begin sharing access.

  • Assign Roles: Choose from preset roles or customize permissions to suit different members’ roles.

  • Fine-tune Access: Permissions for each role are pre-selected but can be adjusted to meet your campaign's specific needs.

  • Send Invitations: Issue invitations that allow team members to receive an email with an invitation link.

Upon receiving the invitation, team members can click on the link, which will:

  • Confirm Membership: Automatically accept the invite and incorporate the member into your team setup.

  • Switch Accounts: Display the newly added account in the profile dropdown menu, allowing the user to switch to and operate the invited account with ease.

This seamless process is designed to facilitate a quick transition, enabling invited team members to participate in campaign management almost instantly.

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