Transaction History:
This page contains a list of all transactions across influencers and campaigns by the user. Users can filter transactions by date, campaign, and transaction type. The Select & Export feature is also available for easy data extraction and management.
Transaction History Table:
Txn ID | Type | Date & Time | Campaign Name | From | To | Amount | Closing Balance | Description |
1 | Payout | 2022-01-01 10:00:00 | Winter Sale | Campaign Wallet | John Doe | $1,000 | $2,500 | First payout for Winter Sale |
2 | Topup | 2022-01-05 11:00:00 | Winter Sale | Kotak Bank Account | Campaign Wallet | $2,000 | $4,500 | Top up balance for Winter Sale |
3 | Payout | 2022-01-15 15:00:00 | Winter Sale | Campaign Wallet | Jane Doe | $1,500 | $3,000 | Second payout for Winter Sale |
The Transaction History page provides a comprehensive list of all transactions across influencers and campaigns. Users can filter transactions by date, campaign, and transaction type, as well as utilize the Select & Export feature for data extraction and management.
In summary, the campaign management dashboard provides a complete overview of Campaign Payments, Influencer Payments, and Transaction History. The tables on these pages allow users to effectively manage and track campaign progress, influencer payouts, and transaction details.