For Brands

Influencer Discovery

By Ishan Jindal
March 26, 2023

With Wobb, finding influencers who align with your brand, resonate with your target demographic, and meet your campaign goals has never been simpler. Our sophisticated search functionality and filtering options streamline the selection process. This knowledge base article will guide you through using influencer and audience filters and accessing influencer profiles for review.

This allows you to find and connect with influencers across various social media platforms. You can see the platform options at the top: Instagram, YouTube, TikTok.

Filter Criteria: On the left side, you can set various criteria to refine your influencer search:

Influencer & Audience Filters:

Wobb offers a wide range of filters to narrow down your search for the ideal influencers. These filters help you find influencers based on criteria such as:

  • Followers: Filter influencers based on their number of followers.

  • Engagement Rate: Look for influencers with a certain level of engagement.

  • Average Reels Play: Filter based on the average plays of their video content.

  • Location, Language, Partnerships, Interest, Gender, Age: Additional demographic and psychographic filters.

  • Lookalikes: Find influencers similar to ones you’ve identified.

  • Bio, Keywords: Search based on text in their bio or specific keywords.

  • Contact Information: If you need direct contact info like phone numbers or email addresses.

  • Last Post, Account Type, Growth Rate: Filters related to their social media activity and growth trends.

In addition to influencer filters, Wobb also provides audience filters to ensure that your selected influencers have an audience that matches your target market. Some of the available audience filters include:

  • Audience Location: Find influencers whose audience is primarily located in specific countries, regions, or cities.

  • Audience Age & Gender: Target influencers whose audience demographics match your desired age and gender distribution.

Adjust these filters to your campaign needs and click “Apply” to see the updated list of influencers.

Influencer List:  The main panel displays a list of influencers that match your search criteria, along with their follower count and engagement rate. The tool also allows you to see detailed information of the influencers

View Influencer Profile:

After applying the necessary filters and identifying promising influencers on Wobb, you can delve deeper into their profiles by clicking on their name or photo. Within an influencer's profile, you'll uncover:

  • Audience Insights: A comprehensive breakdown of the influencer’s audience, categorised by age, gender, geographical location, and language preferences.

  • Engagement Metrics: A summary of the influencer's interaction rates, including average likes, comments, and shares per post.

  • Content Overview: Analytical observations of the influencer’s content, highlighting their most successful posts, primary content themes, and how often they post.

  • Reach Out Tools: Immediate access to the influencer's social media channels and, if provided, their email address to facilitate straightforward communication.

  • View Full Report: Moreover, Wobb offers the functionality to compile a full report on influencers, giving you an aggregated view of their profile metrics, engagement rates, and audience demographics. This feature enhances your ability to make informed decisions, ensuring you partner with influencers who can significantly impact your campaign's success.


  • Export: After selecting influencers (by checking the boxes next to their names), you can export their details. This can be useful if you want to manage this information outside of the platform.

  • Invite: You can send an invite to the influencer to join your campaign or to start a discussion about a potential collaboration.

  • Add to list: If you’re building a roster of potential influencers, you can add selected profiles to a list for later review or action.

Credit Deduction Mode: 

  • Manual Mode:

    • Users must manually select to unlock content.

    • Offers control over credit expenditure.

  • Automatic Mode:

    • Content automatically unlocks for the user.

    • Users receive notifications about deducted credits post-unlock.

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